Trump’s Indictment: How It’s Perceived by America’s Friends and Foes

Former President Donald Trump has been accused of 34 felony counts for misusing campaign funds as hush money for an alleged affair.

The Federal Elections Commission rejected the case, but it was picked up by the District Attorney of Manhattan, a Democrat who campaigned on a promise to arrest Trump.

It’s a first in U.S. history—criminal charges against a former president. Critics call it a dangerous precedent and unequal treatment, since Hillary Clinton was found guilty of an almost identical campaign finance violation—and faced a small fine, not jail time. Meanwhile, supporters of the move say that it’s a sign of a healthy democracy, that nobody is above the law.

Are these trumped-up charges or due process? How is the high-level drama seen by America’s friends and foes? Does it impact America’s standing in the world, or is it just politics as usual? And does it signal something about the state of leadership in general? Is the legal system becoming weaponized in the free world? Is lady justice still blind?

Journalists Claude Porsella, Rebekah Koffler, and Pierre Chiartano join us to discuss the case’s possible fallout.