Dr. Ayyadurai: Health Not a One Size Fits All Solution

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
December 19, 2020NTD News Today

According to hospital administrators, two healthcare workers in the U.S. got serious allergic reactions after receiving the CCP virus vaccine. As officials push for nearly 80 percent of the population to get vaccinated (to reach herd immunity),  NTD’s reporter speaks to Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai about the importance of making personalized decisions about our health.

Ayyadurai is an expert in systems biology with an emphasis on the immune system. He has 4 degrees from MIT, including a Ph.D. in biological engineering. He says our immune system is just that a system, and one that should be looked at as a whole. He’s speaking out against blanket vaccination mandates and in favor of good nutrition, environmental factors, and personalized medicine.

He says there is no discourse on boosting the immune system and only temporary solutions are pushed.

“So when you look at the immune system, they’re not talking about the fact that we need to do the right medicine for the right person at the right time. Everything is a sound-bite. Vaccine. Vaccine. Vaccine,” said Ayyadurai.

Not everyone reacts to medicine the same way, and vaccines, by nature, can produce side-effects. For example, health officials say that people with certain allergies should not get the vaccine.

Ayyadurai said that if people want to get the vaccine, that should be their own choice, and one that is discussed with their doctor, not something that is mandated by a centralized government.

A healthy immune system is critical. The people hit hardest by the CCP virus are the elderly and those with weakened immune systems.

Several studies have shown that vitamin D can reduce complications from COVID-19—highlighting the role nutrition plays in our ability to fight off diseases.

Ayyadurai says the pharmaceutical industry is declining and therefore has incentives to only push vaccines without addressing other key factors like proper nutrition and exercise.

“The notion of always trying to find this germ to connect it to this disease is a very profitable venture for people who don’t want to teach people. Hey, what about eating right? What about the right vitamins? What about going to the right medicine for the right person at the right time?” said Ayyadurai.

He encouraged people to take responsibility for their own health and work with their doctors to make their own choices about what works best for them.