Talented photographer clicks photos of children with cancer in their dream settings, invokes hope and peace

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 24, 2017Stories
Talented photographer clicks photos of children with cancer in their dream settings, invokes hope and peace

An Utah based photographer is on an amazing, soul-searching project to bring hope to children suffering from cancer. Jonathan Diaz takes fantasy photos of these children in their dream settings and provides them with immense joy and hope.

The inevitable question a child is asked by visiting friends and strangers is … what would you like to be when you grow up? The dream jobs that the children aspire to pursue can amuse and shock you sometimes, but then, it is their dream! Children suffering from cancer are no less children.  They too have dreams for their future, however bleak it may seem to us adults and this is what Jonathan is exploring.

Braelyn The Super Hero


Jonathan came up with an idea of using his creative skills for helping these children live their dreams. He has formulated a non-profit project, “Anything Can Be” for it. He helps the children live their fantasy by organising photo-shoots for them in their dream settings.

“I realized that there was something powerful and special about a child’s imagination and dreams.  They are so innocent, they are not inhibited by bias and negativity.  They believe that anything is possible!” said Jonathan in his blog.

He started to explore children’s creative world by chancing upon the first image with his son dreaming of playing for the Utah Jazz but it gradually became more mission driven.

“But last year I decided I did not want to work for other people anymore and wanted to do something meaningful.  I still wanted to explore the theme of children and their dreams and imaginations and so I figured what better way to do that, than to photograph kids with cancer and their dreams,” he explained in his blog.

Have a look at the dream world Jonathan could create with these wonderful kids:

William – the adventurous Dragon Rider


Annika, the famous Fashion Designer


Ethan – the brave Hero


Ellie – The fantastic Baker


Tristan – the champion Football Player


Cami – the magical Fairy


Carson – the daredevil Bull Rider


Caimbre – the enchanting Mermaid


Jordan – relaxing in Wonderland


The magical Night Fairy Pink


Rae – the twelve o’clock Princess


Tristan – the winner Footballer


Rae with her pet Unicorn


 Anything the children missed out?