He Drives 13,000 Nails Into The Wall. The End Result Is Mind Blowing

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
November 23, 2016Entertainment
He Drives 13,000 Nails Into The Wall. The End Result Is Mind Blowing

In a video which has collected more than 5 million views since its release, Zenyk Palagniuka, a string artist, demonstrates his dedicated technique of creation in a portrait of a pop star that will blow you away.


As you’ll see, the artist used 15-mile of thread, 13,000 nails, and 200 hours of working time to create the piece titled “For Justin Timberlake.”

Watch the artist’s meticulous and painstaking execution of the art installation piece. After careful, careful measuring, Palagniuk uses a sharpened pencil to draw lines and shapes on the large working space to create his piece.


After hours of pencil work, the talent picks up a hammer and a nail. What unfolds after the 1-minute point in the video below is like magic.

When the 13,000 nails are in place, the camera zooms out. We see what appears to be a portrait of musician and actor Justin Timberlake.


At 1:40, Palagniuk gets to work weaving the thread carefully through the nails. He creates an intricate grid. The thread shades the portrait and provides a three-dimensional quality to the installation piece.

200 hours of work have been condensed into 3-minutes and 30-seconds of video footage…

Check out the video below to see how this talented artist works!

Make sure you SHARE it with your friends and family today!