Eat Healthy but Eat at the Right Time

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 2, 2019Health

It’s not just about how much and what we eat that affects our health. The time we have our meals also has an impact on how much weight we are putting on.

Throughout the day, the human body becomes more insulin resistant, which means that more sugar will remain in the bloodstream and turn into fat, according to Dr. Michael Roizen of Cleveland Clinic. Therefore, it’s recommended not to eat late.

“As we eat late, we get fat. So, it adds to our waist size, it adds to inflammation, it adds to type 2 diabetes. In the studies of people, they gain weight when they eat calories at night,” said Roizen.

Roizen gave specific suggestions for the three meals: eat more for breakfast and lunch, and eat less for dinner. This way, you eat three-quarters of calories before 2 p.m. If you keep to this regime, over time it would become natural.

“Your body clock shifts to wanting to eat and feeling hungry in the morning and not hungry in the evening,” said Roizen, reported Fox.

Having protein and healthy fat at breakfast and lunch will ward off hunger and help the transition.

“Stop stereotyping food, so, I’ve gone to having salmon burgers for breakfast, they’re wonderful, or avocado toast, and if you will, oatmeal for dinner,” said Roizen.

Roizen also recommended eating within a 12-hour window.