Elon Musk Takes Aim at Communism, Says It’s the ‘Bad One’

Gary Bai
By Gary Bai
June 5, 2022US News
Elon Musk Takes Aim at Communism, Says It’s the ‘Bad One’
Elon Musk (R), Co-founder and CEO of Tesla, and Jack Ma, co-chair of the U.N. High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation, speak onstage during the World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) in Shanghai on Aug. 29, 2019. (Hector Retamal/AFP via Getty Images)

The world’s richest person has made a comparison between communism and capitalism by referring to a cold-war era symbol of communism.

In addition to comments on Shakespeare plays and a California law that officially declares bees to be fish, Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk in a June 5 Twitter post appeared to contrast communism and capitalism by referring to the Berlin Wall—the cold-war era “iron curtain” that physically and ideologically divided Germany into the two worlds of communism and liberal democracy.

“The acid test for any two competing socioeconomic systems is which side needs to build a wall to keep people from escaping? That’s the bad one!” Musk wrote in a Twitter post on June 5.

The Berlin Wall, a well-known symbol of communist oppression that began construction in 1961, forbade citizens of East Germany to escape to the freer West Germany. Thousands of East Germans were killed trying to escape to the West.

In alluding to the wall, the billionaire seemed to be referring to communism and capitalism as the two “competing socioeconomic systems.”

Musk’s weekend comments came as additional insight into the billionaire’s political stance. The couch-surfing billionaire often describes himself as a “moderate” and says he generally prefers capitalism over communism.

In 2018, Musk offered his observation that those who identify with the socialist ideology are “depressing.”

“Those who proclaim themselves ‘socialists’ are usually depressing, have no sense of humour & attended an expensive college. Fate loves irony,” Musk said.

In 2020, Musk compared Karl Marx, who wrote the “Communist Manifesto,” and Adam Smith, the father of modern capitalism. “Adam Smith for the win,” the billionaire wrote.

Musk previously revealed his vision for a suitable governance system in 2018, when another Twitter user asked Musk what documents he would recommend be used to establish a governing system for a prospective colony on Mars.

“Direct democracy by the people. Laws must be short, as there is trickery in length. Automatic expiration of rules to prevent death by bureaucracy. Any rule can be removed by 40% of people to overcome inertia. Freedom,” Musk replied.

From The Epoch Times