Emirates Air stewardess filmed pouring Champagne back into bottle in first class

Emirates Air stewardess filmed pouring Champagne back into bottle in first class

An Emirates Air passenger inadvertently recorded a stewardess pouring Champagne back into a bottle on a flight bound for Dubai.

Russian passenger Yevgeny Kayumov filmed the incident before the plane took off. Emirates Air offered complimentary Champagne to first-class passengers on the flight. In the video, the flight attendant is seen pouring Champagne back into the bottle before the camera pans to the left.

Kayumov posted the video on his Instagram account and tagged the airline.

“I accidentally filmed this video, and didn’t even notice this moment at the time, pouring unfinished Champagne back into the bottle,” he wrote in the Instagram post, according to The Mirror.

Kayumov also asked the airline: “Is that normal practice Emirates?”

Emirates Air issued a response saying that it is investigating the incident.

“Emirates always strives to provide the top quality service,” an airline spokesperson told Moskva City News. “Actions recorded on this video do not comply with our quality standards.

Some flight attendants commented on Reddit that there is nothing wrong with the stewardess’ actions.

“The attendant is probably pouring the unused Champagne back in the bottle before take-off to then dispose of once the plane takes off,” one commenter wrote. “We’re not allowed to pour things out while we’re on the ground. I bet they’re pouring it all back in the bottle so they can then pour it out at cruising instead of dumping it all in the trash can making it all soggy.”

Some commenters poked fun at the airline.

“And that’s how you save money,” one commenter wrote on Facebook.

“I’ll tell you what’s going on … she’s trying to save a bottle of Champagne so that she can carry it home,” wrote another.

Others commended the employee’s thoughtful action.

“She should be commended for not being careless,” one commenter wrote, according to the Mirror.

“Someone else could have simply thrown the excess in the sink – which is a total waste,” read another comment.

“But good for her and good for @emirates to have responsible crew like this lady,” another use chimed in.

From The Epoch Times.