Brave mother dog walked 3 km with broken leg, guiding her saviour to rescue her 10 new born pups!

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 2, 2017Stories
Brave mother dog walked 3 km with broken leg, guiding her saviour to rescue her 10 new born pups!

A greyhound dog roamed the streets of Southern Spain, with one of her hind legs injured and bleeding. When a kind hearted soul, picked her up, and got her treated, the mother dog trusted her enough and took her savior to her treasure — 10 adorable pups!

Abandoned and homeless dogs are often found roaming the streets, and each one has its own story to tell. More often than not, it is the humans they have trusted who have harmed and abused them. Faced with the slightest of inconvenience, people often opt to get rid of their “messy” pets. But amazingly unlike humans, animals have a huge capacity of forgiving and forgetting.

When Lianne Powell saw the poor, frail looking dog bleeding, she picked her up and took her to a vet.

“Her broken leg was fresh but we don’t really know what happened, she could have been hit by a car but she had no other wounds, maybe someone kicked her but we just don’t know – it was a clean break.”

After getting the bandaging done, the next thing on her mind was, the dog was lactating. Surely she had lately given birth. So she wondered – “Where are the puppies then?”

The dog displayed extreme anxiety, and in her own way conveyed to the lady that she needed to follow her.

The following seemed endless, as the dog keep going for about 3 km. See where she led the kind and caring lady to!

But before following her…


She took her to the vet for treatment. The dog looked frail and was lactating.


She then got them to follow her for 3 km. She was pleasantly surprised…

Belgian expat Ellen, 39, said, ”She led us to them, it was incredible– I couldn’t believe what I saw.”

The dog led Lianne and Ellen to the abandoned car, limping all the way on her freshly bandaged leg, to where her puppies lay.


The car was concealed with cardboard boxes. When they delved deeper, they found 10 beautiful and healthy puppies.


Ellen thought that since winter is particularly bad for the breed, the owner would have thought of abandoning them, and perhaps buy new ones later.


But now, there were tears of joy and sorrow all around. The Greyhound mom of 10 was named Vera.


The proud mom with her litter! The family is now recovering at Ellen’s surgery Clinivet Turre.

Have a look at the whole video here!

Isn’t it just incredible that the dog quickly decided to trust this other human, and that led to the saving of the family ?