Essential sunscreen tips you NEED to know!

We’re constantly told to “APPLY SUNSCREEN” without really knowing how it works, so today we’re going to go through everything from UVA & UVB, how your skin gets affected by the rays, difference between chemical & physical sunscreens, what order you should be applying sunscreen in your skincare and makeup routine, and best of all, show you how ineffective it is to just rely on your foundation to provide you with a helpful layer of protection against the sun.

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What are UVA and UVB? 

UVB are the short, high-energy wavelengths that hits upon the most surface layer of your skin which is the epidermis, when the epidermis is irritated it can cause redness and swelling and what appears to be a sunburn. It will lead to freckling, age spots and skin pigmentation.

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UVA are longer rays that penetrate more deeply than UVB, affecting the DNA of the cells in the dermis, this is what attacks your skin’s collagen and elastin, causing wrinkly and saggy skin. UVA also has a role in the development of skin cancer, and more long-term damaging effects like premature aging.

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How much sunscreen do you need to apply?

The recommended amount of sunscreen to use is a ¼ teaspoon for your face, which is equivalent to about 1.23 grams. Even though your foundation and mineral powder has SPF, do not rely on them for SPF protection. Since a normal person uses about 1.5 pumps of foundation to cover their face, in order to get the recommended protection amount for an SPF 20 foundation, you would need to use a total of 11 pumps of foundation! 

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Our recommended products for sun protection:

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For more information and detailed directions, watch full video here:☀️Ultimate Guide to Sunscreen ☀️How to Apply CORRECTLY + Wearing With Makeup + What is SPF

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