EU Council president wants Syria gas attackers held accountable

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
April 5, 2017World News

European Council President Donald Tusk has joined those condemning the suspected gas attack in Syria.

Speaking at a press conference in Athens on April 5, Tusk said, “Let me add my voice to all those condemning the chemical attack yesterday in Idlib, in the strongest possible terms.

“The indiscriminate killing of children, women, and men with chemical weapons is another tragic reminder of the brutality of this conflict and the Syrian regime. And this is not the first report of such attacks in Syria. As I have said before, the perpetrators of these acts must be held accountable.”

So far, 72 people have died from the attack, including about a dozen children.

Survivors report feeling dizzy, nauseous, and short of breath.

These symptoms are consistent with an attack using sarin nerve gas.