EU summit in Malta focused on migrants and U.S.

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 4, 2017News

An EU summit in Malta came to close on Friday (February 3) after a day of discussions dealing with ways to address the migrant crisis and discussions on the future of the European bloc.
Early in the day, the session was attended by British Prime Minister Theresa May and European Union leaders agreed to place a bet on Libya’s fragile government to help them prevent a new wave of African migrants this spring, offering Tripoli 200 million euros and help to beef up its frontier controls.
Later in the afternoon, after the departure of the British Prime Minister, discussions turned to how to shore up popular support for the EU.
“We need to really put all our efforts together and explain to the European citizens and public this (the EU) is a continentally successful project and this generation of leaders needs to breathe some new air and some fresh narrative to the whole process,” said Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic as he left the summit.
Leaders hashed out ideas which they will put into a declaration on the bloc’s future when they mark its 60th anniversary in Rome in March.
