Stunning views: europeans jump off massive mountain

Stunning views: europeans jump off massive mountain

For some, a breathtaking sight at the edge of a mountain just isn’t enough, these daredevils are going beyond those limits, quite literally, and jumping right off the cliff. And what they get is the one of the most stunning panoramic sights. Luckily for them, they’re prepared with training, the perfect parachute and, fortunately for us, a camera to go along with them!


These jumpers are well trained in Base jumping. B.A.S.E actually stands for jumping from 4 categories of tangible objects that can serve as a ramp to jump from: Buildings, Antennas, Spans (like bridges) and earth (like the one these adventurists chose). After the jump, they use their aerodynamic outfits to glide along the cliff surface – getting even an inch too close may turn out to be deadly.

Let’s gather around to admire some Norwegian base jumping from breathtaking heights: