Exclusive: Rep. Dana Rohrabacher Talks Foreign Policy and America’s Core Values

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
December 10, 2016News
Exclusive: Rep. Dana Rohrabacher Talks Foreign Policy and America’s Core Values
(NTD Television)

A long-time human rights supporter who once wrote speeches for former President Ronald Reagan, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher is now aiming for Secretary of State in the cabinet of President-elect Donald Trump.

Rohrabacher doesn’t mince words in his interview with NTD Television’s Simone Gao. When America interacts with the world, it needs to put the core values of liberty and democracy first, he says. The United States must stand tall, he says, even if it means the US stands alone.

For Rohrabacher, this principle presents itself most plainly in the US relationship with totalitarian communist regimes. The Soviet Union, he maintains, collapsed and reformed because of President Ronald Reagan’s unflinching defense of human rights. Appeasement is not the answer in the face of “evil empires.”

Today, the People’s Republic of China remains the last major country controlled by a Communist Party. The US stood as leader of the Free World during the Cold War; likewise, America’s ideological stance towards the emerging Chinese superpower will determine the legacy of Trump’s presidency.

Let’s meet Rep. Dana Rohrabacher.