Exposing the Chinese Regime’s Hidden Crime

Tesla is feeling the pain, stemming from its operations in China. Its factories there have easy access to the world’s biggest car market, but sales have taken a major hit amid local lockdown orders.

How widespread is Beijing’s influence? A senior editor talks about his experiences at the World Economic Forum.

Diplomats from five countries face off in Beijing. The in-person meeting was held at a top Chinese university, and attendees included the United States and Russia.

A Chinese woman says her father was killed in China as part of Beijing’s persecution of a peaceful meditation system—and that seeing his body after death revealed what really happened.

In an undercover call, a Chinese medical staff member admits to organ harvesting at a hospital—focused on prisoners of conscience.

Topics in this episode:

  1. China’s Influence on the World Economic Forum
  2. Exposing the Chinese Regime’s Hidden Crime
  3. Forced Organ Harvesting Continues in China: Ngo
  4. Western Ambassadors in China Criticize Russia
  5. Beijing Denies Promise to Hong Kong
  6. Katrina Lantos Swett: China Didn’t Keep Its Promise
  7. 12 Crew Members Found Dead: Ship Wreck in Hong Kong
  8. Nadine Maenza: Put More Sanctions on China

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