Extraordinarily courageous and kindhearted man risks his life by diving into a frozen lake to rescue a trapped duck!

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 27, 2017Stories
Extraordinarily courageous and kindhearted man risks his life by diving into a frozen lake to rescue a trapped duck!

It is a common sight to have lakes freezing during winters and a crust of ice forming over the surface. You just cannot tell how hard this layer of ice is, and certainly, this silly little duck could not either!

A hungry little duck walked on the frozen lake, possibly looking for the next bait. It would have never suspected that the ice would break under her weight and she would go down under. A man watching the scene notices the duck struggling under the layer of ice, and he does the next best thing his kind heart asks him to do…

Without a second thought, he jumps into the freezing lake and pulls the little duck out. We are all aware how dangerous it is to expose yourself to such extreme temperatures. But this brave man, rather, more kind than brave, jumped into the water without thinking of the consequences.

Were it for anybody else, you would probably watch the scene helplessly from a safe distance and only hope and pray for the best. After all, it is just a duck, and perhaps a lot of people might have one on their dinner plates the same evening.

But this kind soul did not think along those lines!

This little duck was probably out for a walk on the lake looking for some food.

This duck was out for a casual walk on the lake.

Suddenly the ice cracks and the poor duck gets trapped under the layer of ice.

But suddenly the poor duck got trapped under the ice.

A man saw it struggling for life, so, risking his own, he jumped into the lake.

A man saw it clinging helplessly and risking his own life, he just jumped into the lake.

The freezing temperatures could have led to extreme results, but fortunately, both get out of the lake safely.

Fortunately, everything went well and both of them came out safely.

All was not well yet, as the duck was frozen stiff. It needed some warmth and drying off. The kind gentleman was only to glad to provide both.

It still required some care as he dried it off.
Mission accomplished, with the duck looking fine, our hero of the day proudly smiles at the camera.

The hero is proudly smiling at the camera after the successful mission.

The grateful duck goes on to continue with his life. Another day, another struggle for survival!

And the duck lives to fight another day.

Watch the amazing rescue operation below!