Falun Gong Practitioners in Washington Commemorate Historic Appeal

Sam Wang
By Sam Wang
April 22, 2024Capitol Report

Falun Gong practitioners in Washington rallied outside the Chinese embassy on April 20, to commemorate the peaceful appeal that took place in Beijing 25 years ago.

April 25 will mark the 25th anniversary of a peaceful appeal in Beijing. On that day, tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners lined up outside the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) central compound, known as Zhongnanhai. They wished to ask authorities to release dozens of practitioners who had been arrested after they appealed over a slanderous article published in a state-backed magazine.

Just 3 months later, however, CCP leader Jiang Zemin spearheaded a brutal nationwide campaign against Falun Gong. Despite the campaign of persecution that persists to this day, Falun Gong practitioners continue to raise awareness as rallies are held around the world to commemorate this historic day.