Family Discharged After COVID-19 Virus Treatment in Qld. Australia

February 20, 2020Australia
Family Discharged After COVID-19 Virus Treatment in Qld. Australia
Passengers arrive at Sydney International Airport in Sydney, Australia on Jan. 23, 2020. (Don Arnold/Getty Images)

A Chinese boy with coronavirus admitted to a Queensland hospital has been discharged.

The eight-year-old boy and his parents were part of a group of nine tourists kept in isolation at the Gold Coast University Hospital.

They had travelled from Wuhan in China’s Hubei Province, where a majority of cases have been confirmed.

All three were released on Wednesday night.

“I want to provide reassurance to the Gold Coast community that the patient has been clinically cleared by their team and is 100 percent fit to leave hospital,” chief health officer Dr. Jeannette Young said.

“Gold Coast University Hospital staff are doing a tremendous job treating these patients.

“And the efforts of Gold Coast and the entire Queensland community have been amazing in helping fight the spread of this virus.”

The boy was diagnosed with the virus and was isolated together with his father, who must now self-isolate as a precaution after exposure to the disease.

His mum was isolated in a separate room.

Two men and two women from the travel group remain in the hospital.

By Sonia Kohlbacher