Fantastic pedicab goes wild rotating on the spot and slams into nearby stalls

Fantastic pedicab goes wild rotating on the spot and slams into nearby stalls

This bizarre footage captures the moment a pedicab became possessed by an unnatural force and went wild crashing into things in a Chinese market.

The video, which was captured in the eastern province of Zhejiang, shows the driverless rickshaw spinning around uncontrollably and damaging stalls.

The filmmaker, alongside a number of other bystanders, watch from a safe distance as the vehicle rotates on the spot at a very rapid pace.

Its back wheels remain on the ground throughout the ordeal while its front systematically lifts from the ground as the pedicab turns.

Scattered on the ground are the objects that have been knocked from their stalls by the out of control rickshaw.

Adding to the chaos, a dog barks at the pedicab throughout the clip as if it is as confused as everyone else by the spinning.

Later in the clip the front wheel slams against a stall, which causes it to momentarily slow down and roll back further.

Meanwhile a man can be seen approaching it with a stick in a bid to stop the vehicle in its tracks, but he is unable to do so.

According to local media reports, the pedicab was fitted with a motor on one of its rear wheels, which resulted in it rotating when its front wheel came off the ground, after it crashed into one of the market stalls.