This fashion show offers kids with cancer a precious moment to live their dreams

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 8, 2017Stories
This fashion show offers kids with cancer a precious moment to live their dreams

Every child has a dream, a dream that just as amazing as this whole universe, which they want to fulfill and aspire to live one day in future. But what if that child is suffering form a fatal disease? 

This is a real story of such precious kids, who came out victorious with their fight with cancer, and kids that are still struggling to win over this cruel ailment.

Each year, the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation tries to help take some of the stress away by hosting the Fashion Funds the Cure event.  They encourage children who’ve survived cancer, as well as kids still battling it, to dress up as what they aspire to be when they grow up.

Source: TODAY

While this year the event was held in North Carolina, they plan to move the event to 5 different locations in 2017, allowing more children to be a part of this spectacular event.

Miranda Chapman, the foundation’s marketing and communications manager, notes- “We don’t just tell these kids who are battling horrible diseases that they can be anything they want to be; we let them actually be it, in front of a crowd cheering them on.”


This year, the event was sponsored by Dillards and hosted at SouthPark Mall. The kids took their ‘dream walk’ dressed up as real-life versions of their ambitions.  Eight children took part in this spectacular show. There were kids walking in as a fireman, teacher, nurse, police, officer, and more!

One girl, Mia Furrow, 8, has been cancer free for about a month and went in as a nurse. Her mother tells TODAY, “Mia’s constantly talking about how special her nurses are and how amazed she is that they can do what they do every single day and still have huge smiles on their faces while taking care of patients.”

Other children include Noah Prieto, 6, who has acute lymphoblastic leukemia and aspires to become a firefighter one day.  Braylon Beam, on the other hand, aspires to work for the NFL.


The beautiful walk motivates us  to do all we can to help children in pain.

We can’t wait to see them fulfill their dreams and live their ambitions!

This story was originally published on