Female college student escapes teens who try to rob her at gunpoint

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
July 30, 2017US News
Female college student escapes teens who try to rob her at gunpoint

Jordan Dinsmore, a 20-year-old college student, was returning home to her apartment in South Carolina when she was robbed at gunpoint by three males in their teens, CBS’s WLTX reports.

The robbers allegedly took her purse and phone first,  the Daily Mail reports.

“I instantly started screaming and they pushed me to the ground and shoved a gun towards me and told me that if I didn’t shut up that they would shoot me,” she said.

One of the men fled the scene after the screams but the other two men forced Dinsmore into her car and told her to drive to an ATM since they did not know how to use a manual transmission.

“I was asking them why I can’t just leave, why can’t you just leave me here? And they said that I had to come with [them] to get money out of the ATM,” she said, according to WTLX.


Jordan then said the men told her that she was going to be sexually assaulted.

“At that point I decided that it’s time and I need to get myself out of this situation,” she said, according to WTLX.

While driving, she thought about ways to escape.

“I just saw my opportunity. I threw [the car] into neutral, and just opened the door, and fell out,” she said.

After falling out of the car, she rolled on the ground and jumped up, sprinting away from the car as the confused men struggled to stop the running car, the Daily Mail reported.

“I just screamed: ‘Call 911! Call 911! Someone just kidnapped me and threatened to shoot me!'” said Dinsmore, according to the Daily Mail.

The first car that passed was a woman who quickly called the police and took Dinsmore to safety.

Dinsmore said in a tweet after the incident: “Please be careful you guys. I almost died tonight.”

Richland County sheriff Leon Lott said the three teens were on an escalating crime spree that involved robbing delivery people and carjacking, according to WYFF.

Lott said the kidnapping was racially motivated and that the teens told their victims they were only going to rob white people.

“This was a crime spree. They would not have stopped,” Lott said, according to WYFF. “They made a statement that they did not like white people and they were only going to rob white people.”

Lott said one of the victims, an African-American, told investigators she was released by the three suspects when they found out she was not white.

Dinsmore was fortunate in that she escaped the ordeal with only a few cuts and bruises, CBS reported.

Police arrested two of the attackers on Thursday, July 30, and the third, a 15-year-old suspect was taken into custody on Friday.

One was identified as 17-year-old Raquan Green. The other 15-year-olds names were not released because of their ages.

From NTD.tv