Firefighter who helped deliver a baby girl during one of his ‘unpredictable’ duty calls, is now her lovely foster dad!

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 7, 2017Stories
Firefighter who helped deliver a baby girl during one of his ‘unpredictable’ duty calls, is now her lovely foster dad!

A fire fighter, received an emergency call, and he and his crew rushed to the scene. They found a pregnant woman in labor pains; so without giving it a second thought this amazing man jumped into the “additional” nanny’s supporting role.

One night, the fire fighter Marc Hadden found himself on a seemingly on a normal duty call. But what he and his team reached on site, they found it was a totally unpredictable situation!

A pregnant mother was in her final labor pains, who unfortunately could not make it to the hospital.


So he rushed to fulfill the task at hand and helped deliver her baby safely!

Marc then excitedly called his wife Beth to tell her about his amazing deed. “Who gets to deliver a baby in their lifetime who not a doctor,” she told WMBF News.

The baby was quickly put up for adoption. Marc, having gone through this “predestined” incident, decided to go for it. He and his family adopted this cute little baby girl. They call her Grace.


Grace, who is now five-years-old, is described as “daddy’s girl.” “She is my best friend. We share an amazing bond,” Mr Hadden told Mirror Online.

Marc and his wife Beth already had two sons, Will and Parker, and were planning a third child, which  doctors advised them not to venture into, due to health issues. They gladly accepted Grace as the third child through adoption. Marc, as father of adopted Grace have an unusual bond. Grace became part of their family as a new member, just when they were wanting another child.


Destiny has a role to play. Always wish for good, for it may it show up in the future and become a reality.