First Day of School ‘Taking Toll’ on Little Girl: Before and After Photos Go Viral

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
August 24, 2019Trending
First Day of School ‘Taking Toll’ on Little Girl: Before and After Photos Go Viral
School in Glasgow, Scotland. (Michal Klajban/Wikimedia commons [CC BY-SA 4.0])

Before and after photos of a 5-year-old Scottish girl’s first day of school have gone viral after her mother posted the pictures on Facebook’s “really funny” images.

One of the pictures shows young Lucie looking immaculate in her uniform, with her hair combed and a big smile on her face, ready to go to the first day of school. The second photo was taken at the end of the day—Lucie didn’t look too impressed.

The photos were liked more than ten thousand times after her mother agreed to let a local paper publish them on their page, reported BBC.

“She absolutely loves school and this was her first day in P2 so she absolutely loved having her new things on,” her mother, Jillian Falconer, said. The family lives in a suburb outside of Glasgow.

“When I went to pick her up from school and saw how she looked, I was mortified,” Falconer told Barrhead News. “When she was getting her bag out the car and walking towards me, I took the picture.”

When Falconer asked Lucie how her day was, and what she had gotten up to get her uniform into such a “state,” Lucie answered, “nothing much.”

“I asked her what she had been doing at school,” Falconer added, “and she said ‘Oh nothing, I just played with my friends.’”

“The wonders of primary two,” Falconer said. “The teachers are really good, they do a lot of active learning and things with them, so I take it it was down to that.”

“She’d obviously had a really fun day,” she said.

“I knew if I’d asked her for a picture, she would have said no, because of the mess of her. She likes to be clean and things,” she said.

She told Metro, “She had her skirt around her ankles almost and a bow at the back of her hair… I think her clothes were too big slightly and she was pleased to see her friends.”

“She’s one of four. She’s the smallest and is a wee madame,” her mother said, “but she is normally very shy, except when she’s around her brothers.”

A lot of facebook users apparently related to the picture, likening Lucie’s look to their children or themselves.

One Facebook user said, “Its looks familiar to me. My nearly 4 years daughter comes back home from nursery with food and paint all over her face and clothes.”

Another commentator posted, “I think it’s fair to say the little girl had a good 1st day but doubt mummy will have been impressed seeing her come out of school like this bless her [sic].”

“My daughter used to go to school looking like a Boden model…she came home looking like Rag Dolly Anna, with all the stuffing coming out. Great pic, and a lovely reminder of the joys of childhood,” said another Facebook user.