French candidate Macron gains support of ex-PM Valls

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 29, 2017World News

French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron said that he appreciates the endorsement of

former Prime Minister Manuel Valls, but might not offer Valls a role in his government should he win.

“I think it shows what I said a few months ago, that the primaries were not able to unite the whole of the left, and it shows that the Social Democrats and responsible men and women on the left are ready to sign up for what I’m doing,” Macron explained.

Valls announced on Thursday March 29 that he would support Macron, instead of Socialist Party candidate Benoit Hamon.

Valls is the most prominent Socialist Party leader to endorse Macron, who is predicted to win the presidency in the second vote on May 7.