French Senate Sounds Alarm on Rising Trend of ‘Minor Transidentification’

David Vives
By David Vives
April 1, 2024NTD Newsroom

In a recent report by the French Senate, 18 senators sounded the alarm on the escalating trend of what they term “minor transidentification.” While the number of minors seeking transgender surgeries remains relatively low, the report emphasizes a concerning uptick. Proposing a parliamentary bill to prohibit the use of puberty blockers in minors, the senators expressed grave concerns about the long-term consequences of such medical interventions.

Gynecologist Laurence Kayser underscored the risks associated with these treatments, and cautioned against their prolonged usage due to potential health complications. Highlighting a pervasive lack of discernment among adults influenced by woke ideology, the report also addresses the role of social media influencers in shaping vulnerable youths’ perceptions.