Old lady plays dangerous prank with car steering wheel

Old lady plays dangerous prank with car steering wheel

This video is definitely not for the faint of heart! Please do not repeat this prank yourself, it could cause a severe accident, or even loss of life! When this elderly lady pantomimed turning her car with her own steering wheel, the other driver swerved off the road in fright, and nearly smashed into a tree.  There is no hint about how the man is doing, or how severely he was injured.
Though it is highly doubtful that any driver would really fall for a prank as simple as this, playing this kind of prank could result in unintended consequences, such as injury or even death. So, while you may laugh at this prank, please keep in mind that doing so yourself might lead to lifelong regret for doing so. Take a close look at this video to see what serious mischief one could do with a single spare steering wheel: