Gaetz Squares Off Against Kinzinger’s Political Action Committee

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 12, 2021NTD News Today

Florida Representative Matt Gaetz challenges a newly formed political action committee. The PAC’s founder, Illinois Representative Adam Kinzinger, is targeting vocal Trump supporters like Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz. He told the Washington Post he has a long list of Republicans he wants to challenge in primaries.

Kinzinger is one of former President Trump’s most vocal critics in the Republican Party. He recently started the Country First PAC—backing anti-Trump Republicans to replace Trump-supporting members of the GOP. He claims his fundraising has blown his expectations.

Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski runs the Fight Back Now America PAC. He promises to go after members of the House that voted in favor of impeaching Trump.

Kinzinger is one of 10 Republicans who voted for impeachment, and he was the only Republican to support using the 25th Amendment to remove Trump.

Kinzinger and Liz Cheney are expected primary targets of Lewandowski’s PAC.

Meanwhile, Trump remains extremely popular with Republican voters. According to a Morning Consult Poll, 81 percent hold a favorable view of Trump.