Gender Ideology Is Part of a Much Larger Marxist Agenda: Independent Women’s Forum Analyst

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
July 21, 2022US News

Progressive policies and laws around gender ideology are part of a larger, radical, Marxist agenda, according to Carrie Sheffield, senior policy analyst at the Independent Women’s Forum (IWF).

“I encourage all your viewers to just understand the history of what critical theory is. It originated in Germany at the Frankfurt School, and it was to indoctrinate and to basically destroy Western civilization.” Sheffield told NTD’s Paul Greaney during FreedomFest 2022.

At the event, Sheffield explained the IWF’s Women’s Bill of Rights and the protection it seeks to offer females.

“The definition of what it means to be a woman is under attack; the definition of what it means to be a mother is under attack in terms of the protections for women and girls that we have been fighting for,” Sheffield said, referencing, in part, biological males competing in women’s sports.

Transgender athlete Lia Thomas was ranked 462nd in men’s swimming before transitioning to female in 2019 and then going on to set multiple records in women’s meets.

Also, on July 19, it was reported that a transgender prisoner was removed from a prison in New Jersey after impregnating two inmates.

“You have biological men who have said, you know, ‘I’m identifying as a male or as a female,’ in order to be transferred over to female prison, and you’re seeing violence committed against biological female prisoners. And so we see this as an assault on the basic safety and the civil rights of biological women to have places where we are protected,” Sheffield said during her interview with NTD on July 15, four days before the news in New Jersey.