For the last 20 years, this kind-hearted Indian man supplies free food and medicines to poor patients

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 2, 2017Stories
For the last 20 years, this kind-hearted Indian man supplies free food and medicines to poor patients

With countless unemployed, homeless and abandoned aged people, roaming the streets across the world, there are very few people who take it upon themselves to play an active role in society and resolve some of these issues. This is an accountFor the last 20 years, this kind-hearted Indian man supplies free food and medicines to poor patients of one such person who takes some much needed action.

Most people always look up to the ruling government to take care of the society’s issues, always complaining, but doing absolutely nothing about it themselves. Gurmeet Singh took up the mission to help abandoned patients who have no one to take care of them.

It all began when one day a woman, who sells plastic bags, approached him with her son who was badly burnt.  He took them to a government hospital, only to find there was no one to attend to them; the doctors were on strike.  That was the time he experienced, first hand, the plight of poor patients.


“It was a hot day. I saw tears in her eyes. Then I saw her boy who had got burnt. I took them to this hospital, and found that there was nobody to treat him. The doctors were on strike,” Gurmeet said, according to the BBC report.

“The poor and the abandoned were the worst affected. I was very angry. I decided to do something about it.”


Gurmeet Singh is a cloth merchant.  He and his five brothers, donate ten percent of their earnings for the noble cause.

Every evening, after sunset, he goes to Patna Medical College Hospital to visit the abandoned patient’s ward. On the way he buys  food from a small restaurant, then heads to the ward and serves dinner to each and every patient. He then jots down the names of the prescribed medicines for each patient and arranges to reach it to them.

He has been following this routine for the last 20 years, and has not been out of town for the last 13 years, only so that he can take care of these patients.

Many a times, he has even donated his blood. He has now been advised by doctors not to donate any more of his blood. So now, his brothers  and other family members have taken up the noble cause.


Tapan Bhattacharya,  40, who landed up here with a broken femur after the auto-rickshaw he was travelling in overturned, said Gurmeet Singh is like god for them.

What is required is not necessarily to be god…but to be just a good human!

This story was originally published on the BBC.