Georgia Truck Driver Stops Traffic to Help Elderly Man Cross the Street

Zachary Stieber
By Zachary Stieber
March 13, 2018US News
Georgia Truck Driver Stops Traffic to Help Elderly Man Cross the Street
A man helps an elderly man across the street in Griffin, Georgia. (Screenshot via E'Ondria Weems/Facebook)

A driver in Georgia pulled over, got out of his car, and helped an elderly man cross the street, winning the admiration of onlookers and netizens.

E’Ondria Weems was driving by the scene in Griffin, about 35 miles south of Atlanta, when it unfolded.

She said she noticed a man with a walker trying to cross the road, but before she could react herself, a man pulled his white Ram truck over, “got out of his car and stopped traffic for the elderly man and helped him across the street,” reported WXIA.

The truck driver was later identified as Justin Jackson.

He told the broadcaster that he knew he had to stop because cars were driving by so fast that the old man would have been in danger crossing the street.

“The old man was walking across the streets and people were flying by and I was like, ‘l got to stop,'” Jackson said.

Weems took video of Jackson helping the elderly gentleman across the street and later posted it on Facebook.

“Y’all this man stopped traffic to help him… & my heart,” she wrote.

The video had more than 137,000 shares, almost 5,000 comments, and more than 16,000 likes as of March 13.

A number of Facebook users praised Jackson for helping the elderly man.

“That’s how things should be we should help each other instead of destroying each other,” said one user.

“What a sweetheart! May God Bless him!” said another.

“That’s Kind heart Need more in the world to Put it OUT THERE Like that!!” said another.

“That’s what’s up Americans helping out Americans when we come together as a country nobody can stop us,” said yet another.

“What a wonderful man. God will please him for being such an angel. Love seeing videos like this restores my faith in people knowing there’s still good hearted people left in this screwed up world,” said another.

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