Georgia Witness Testimony: Caesar Gonzales

Over 40 witnesses spoke to the media at Cobb Country Republican Party Headquarters in Georgia on Dec. 9, 10, 13, and 14. They presented evidence of election irregularities and fraud they had collected during the 2020 election ballot counts and recount. Some of them did not get the chance to give their testimonies in person, but sent their video testimonies or did a video interview online.

Caesar Gonzales worked as a Republican observer during the November election in Georgia. He said on Dec. 9 that he personally witnessed irregularities in the November election.

“All Republicans that showed up to observe or to review ballots were segregated from the rest. Election staff that were monitoring this situation were less than cooperative with us. However, any Democrats that came in were just ushered right in, no problems at all, they were given their badges.”

“The other thing that I thought was very, very curious, was when they started counting the mail-in ballots. Now, with the mail-in ballots, you know, of course, they’re just putting them into the scanners and then scanning them. But what I started to see was a lot of mail-in ballots with no folds in them, no creases, nothing. Now, I brought this to the attention of one of the monitors there, and I was taken out and I was instructed that if I questioned anything that they were doing, I would be asked to leave. And I did notice that on a number of occasions, especially when Republican observers brought in to question any of the anomalies in the ballots or in the method of counting or anything, they were escorted out by a policeman.”

“Now, what they said was that, well, any provisional ballots or ballot copies were made on that same form, so they would come as without creases or anything. And then I looked at the numbers and provisional ballots, they numbered in Clayton County about 500, give or take. The number of mail-in ballots I saw that had no creases on them, didn’t see the inside of an envelope, were thousands, thousands. And the ballot copies that they made, which were allegedly on the same form, were segregated. They were put in separate envelopes and kept somewhere else. So my question is how thousands of mail-in ballots would not have any creases at all.”

“I’m observing all of this and I’m just shaking my head. I’m like, this is America? My father came across 95 miles of shark-infested waters for his children—us—to realize the American dream, and here we are, [an] electoral process has become the same as you would see in a typical Banana Republic. ”

“How is this allowed to be happened? And if it didn’t happen, if there were no questions, if there was no ballot fraud or anything like that, why not be transparent? Why not? Here are the books, we’re opening the books for anybody to observe. Why be so secretive, especially during the ballot observation process?”