Georgia Witness Testimony: Stefan Bissle

Over 40 witnesses spoke to the media at Cobb Country Republican Party Headquarters in Georgia on Dec 9, 10, 13, and 14. They presented evidence of election irregularities and fraud they had collected during the 2020 election ballot counts and recount. Some of them did not get the chance to give their testimonies in person, but sent their video testimonies or did a video interview online.

Stefan Bissle is a Clayton County resident. He said on Dec. 9 that he personally witnessed irregularities in the November election.

“This was my first year voting. I’ve never been registered before and my first issue came with trying to register. I went to register in March, and when I did, I found out that I had actually been registered in January of 2018. I contacted the Secretary of State’s office to find out when and how this had happened. I did not receive a reply.”

“My mother who is a German immigrant, is a legal resident, but she is a non-voting citizen. She’s not eligible to vote. She received a postcard in the mail urging her to register to vote before the general election. After the general election, she received two notices from an out of state NGO with a registration form that was partially filled in with her information already. And then a week after that she received another postcard urging her to register to vote.”

“On election day, I went to vote in person. After making my selections on the machine, it printed out my ballot. Being that it was my first time voting, I took a picture of my ballot. I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to. But I have the picture.”

“About a week later, I went to review the picture of my ballot. And I noticed at the bottom where a page number was listed, it said one out of two. I’m not sure what it’s for. I’m not saying that it’s malicious. However, when I contacted the Secretary of State’s office, I got no reply. When I contacted the Clayton County Office, I got no reply. I have seen another ballot from Fulton County and at the bottom of the page number says one out of one, I would just like an answer as to what that stands for.”

“And the last thing I would like to say is this is I find it unacceptable for the Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to tell us that human error caused all of these issues that we’re seeing when he assured us that spending over $100 million on machines would eliminate human error. And I find it ironic that with the large increase in mail-in ballots and a substantial decrease in rejected ballots that the forms that were actually filled in by human beings were more accepted and had less problems than the ones that were done by the machines.”