Girl Who Almost Died Of Anorexia Spectacularly Changed Her Look

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
November 19, 2016Health
Girl Who Almost Died Of Anorexia Spectacularly Changed Her Look

In 2013, this young Swedish girl, Cazandra Zetterberg, was 19 years old and suffering from a terrible case of anorexia nervosa. She had starved herself until she weighed only 66 pounds and was no more than skin and bones. One day she was brought to the hospital because her body temperature was sinking dramatically. The doctors unapologetically informed her of her remaining options: either she could gain weight and face her fears, or she was going to die.


More so than the prospect of dying, her family motivated her to change her life. They were all terribly afraid for Cazandra, her younger sister particularly so. Looking at these pictures of the teen, it’s no wonder they were concerned.


She made the decision to battle against her anorexia. The struggle was difficult. Unfortunately, many young people fail to recover from this terrible disease and end up paying with their lives. Cazandra was determined to avoid this fate. She began to educate herself about proper nutrition, learned how to eat a healthy and balanced diet, exercised, and began to enjoy her life again. Her success is worth seeing!

Today, Cazandra is incredibly fit. She exercises regularly and posts pictures of herself on the internet. She hopes to inspire other people suffering with eating disorders by showing them how wonderful recovery can be.


Before, she was absolutely terrified of sweets, but today Cazandra is finally able to enjoy them again.

While suffering from anorexia, she experienced a lot of skin problems. But today her skin is healthy again and she radiates with happiness.

Cazandra has become a successful fitness trainer. On her Instagram page, she shows how she takes care of herself nutritionally and which fitness regime she follows. She has also thoroughly documented the difference from how she looked before recovery to now.

Now she has muscle definition and feminine curves, whereas before there was only skin covering her bones.

She looks much healthier in her bikini. This is what real joie de vivre looks like!

Her family is so happy that Cazandra decided she wanted to live and won her battle against anorexia. She hopes she can inspire others to turn their lives around with her job as a fitness instructor and with her photo blog. What a strong and inspiring young woman!