Giuliani: Fraud Evidence Could Flip Pennsylvania Red

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
November 10, 2020NTD News Today

Rudy Giuliani says the Trump campaign may have enough evidence of fraud to flip Pennsylvania.

In an interview with Fox News’s Maria Bartiromo, he said up to 900,000 invalid ballots may have been cast in Pennsylvania.

The latest numbers from Decision Desk show Biden leading Trump by 0.67 percent, which is around 46,000 votes. Giuliani suggests these numbers are wrong.

He says they have witnesses that saw people being pushed out of polling places, people being suggested to vote the other way, and people moving the polling places away from GOP observers.

Giuliani also said they’re looking into reports of ballot back-dating. He claims they have evidence from both the post office and others that about 2,000 to 3,000 votes were backdated— meaning they were marked with a previous date to look like they were collected on time.

Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey says there will be a vote recount in Pennsylvania. He pointed out that, under Pennsylvania law, an automatic recount is triggered if the vote margin is half a percent. He says the current margin is close enough to trigger the law.

He also said either candidate can trigger a recount if the margin is above half a percent.