The rescue dog gently puts her 11 newborn puppies in the lap of the women who saved her!

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 4, 2017Stories
The rescue dog gently puts her 11 newborn puppies in the lap of the women who saved her!

Motherhood does not require any training, but one can feel quite uncertain and a little overwhelmed as a first-time mother. Is that what this adorable rescue dog felt, or was it more? 

Stevoni Wells Doyle, a foster mother to several rescue dogs, had witnessed and helped many dogs give birth in the past. When Grayce, a rescued pit bull gave birth to her 11 puppies in their Utah home, the new mother carried them one by one and placed them in Stevoni’s lap.

Having fostered hundreds of dogs already, she never expected the mother dog to act the way she did. She was extremely touched by the love and trust the mother showed in carrying her puppies to her and placing them in her lap.

“I was honored that she choose me to trust with her pups and herself,” Stevoni told The Dodo.

“I’m still overwhelmed by her love.”


She thought that because Grayce was neglected in her previous home, she “needed a safe environment to have her pups in.”

“I think she still feels unsure as a new mom,” Stevoni said about the experience. “And she needed love and reassurance from someone she loves and trusts.”

Stevoni strongly feels that since animals cannot speak up for themselves, we need to stand up for them. “We are their voice and we need to protect them,” she said.


Rescue Rovers” have taken on the responsibility of handing over the pups and Grayce for adoption.

Perhaps, Stevoni has some first-hand experience of what it feels like being a mom!

Watch the video below to have a first-hand experience of this beautiful act of trust and bonding.  One rarely comes across such a show of trust.

This story was originally published on The Dodo.