A glimmer of hope – one man brings 300 gallons of water everyday to dying animals in drought-stricken Kenya

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 4, 2017Stories
A glimmer of hope – one man brings 300 gallons of water everyday to dying animals in drought-stricken Kenya

Partick Kilonzo Mwalua has been hailed a hero for his tireless efforts to save Kenya’s local wildlife. He has been carrying 3,000 gallons of water in a rented truck daily to the dying animals of Tsavo West National Park. The country has been ravaged by drought and the President has declared it a national disaster. But there is one small glimmer of hope…

Mwalua grew up in Kenya and is a farmer. He cares deeply for its heritage and the country’s wildlife. “We aren’t receiving rain as we did before,” he told The Dodo, “I see my land and the animals suffering, so I decided to take water to them, if I did not do that they would die of thirst.”

Every day, and sometimes at night, Patrick drives to fill the water holes of Tvabo West National Park. “The 3,000 gallons of water make for quite a dangerous drive; it is heavy,” he says, “One has to be very patient. When I get there, the elephants, zebras, and buffalo all get very excited, they can smell the water. They always come to greet me.”

Through all this hard work, Mwalua has been given the name of “Water Man.”

His compassion for his country’s wildlife and his noble actions have inspired American Che Callaway to help him set up a GoFundMe page. He has received $18.000 so far and would like to invest in his own truck.

“His contribution to wildlife and its heritage is immeasurable.” reports the Tvabo West National Park volunteers.

Partrick aka “The Water Man” is like an oasis in the desert. He is able to sense the suffering of others and act upon it.

Meet Patrick Kilonzo Mwalau, the pea farmer from Kenya.

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(Credits: Patrick Kilonzo Mwalua)

Patrick, dubbed “the Water Man”, says “We aren’t receiving as much rain as we used to, so I started giving the animals water…”

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(Credits: Patrick Kilonzo Mwalua)

“Because I thought, ‘If I don’t do it, they will die.’”

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(Credits: Patrick Kilonzo Mwalua)

Mwalua spends hours a day driving to fill the water holes with life-saving water.

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(Credits: Patrick Kilonzo Mwalua)

When Mwalua shows up with 3,000 gallons of fresh water, the animals come to greet him in great herds.

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(Credits: Patrick Kilonzo Mwalua)

“There is completely no water, so the animals depend on humans.”

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(Credits: Patrick Kilonzo Mwalua)

“Last night I found 500 buffalo waiting for me at the water hole.”

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(Credits: Patrick Kilonzo Mwalua)

“They started drinking the water while I was standing there. They get so excited.”

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(Credits: Patrick Kilonzo Mwalua)

Mwalua’s passion inspired some Americans to set up a Go FundMe page to support this life-saving project.

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(Credits: Patrick Kilonzo Mwalua)

The man will continue caring for the animals as much as he can—he is truly their lifeline.

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(Credits: Patrick Kilonzo Mwalua)

The loving kindness that shines forth from deep within our hearts, is what makes each one of us worthy of being humans. Only true and unconditional love can make our world a beautiful place—let’s try our best to make this possible!