This golden retriever gives love by hugging everyone she meets

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 19, 2017Stories
This golden retriever gives love by hugging everyone she meets

If you’re in New York and feel you need a hug, you could meet up with Louboutina, the city’s own hugging celebrity dog — who happens to have more than 58k followers on her Instagram account.

Source: Instagram
Source: Instagram

Louboutina who is very aptly named after a French shoe designer, loves going out for her daily walk to give the people she meets, hugs. “It’s not just a regular walk in the park”, her owner, 45 year old Fernandez- Chavez told “The Dodo“. “It’s a walk with hugging. A lot of people say she made their day…like, if they had a bad day at work, perhaps this was just what they needed.”

Source: Instagram
Source: Instagram

“Loubie, (for short) started holding hands with me, with both paws crossed over each other. A couple of years back, it was around St.Valentine’s day in 2014. My relationship had ended, and I was heart-broken”, said Fernandez-Chavez. “I remember joking with my friends saying; at least I have someone to hold hands with on St. Valentine’s Day!”

Source: Instagram
Source: Instagram

Now, Fernandez-Chavez knows, he is not the only one that needs to be loved, other people need it too. So if you find yourself in Chelsea, you can drop him a line by e-mail, and fix a date for a hug with Loubie, the dog with a golden heart.

Source: Instagram
Source: Instagram

Source: Instagram

Source: Instagram

Watch this loving canine here: