Watch medical pills dissolve in water

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 16, 2017Entertainment
Watch medical pills dissolve in water
Foto: Screenshot / YouTube / Macro Room

Ever wonder what happens when pills dissolve inside your body? It’s pretty spectacular!

Ben Ouaniche, artist and filmmaker of Macro Room decided to give it a try. He took the pills and put them in water, and recorded the beautiful yet strange looking scene. Apparently not everything entering your body will be unappealing to watch digest.

The artist said in an interview for PetaPixel, that he used different macro lenses for the different shots: A “Canon MP-E 65 for the closest range shots, Canon 100mm L for the medium range, and Canon 50mm 1.4 for the surrounding shots.” Sometimes he also took advantage of another tool for spinning theses little base of the pill tanks. “This technique adds real motion and reveals a deeper view of the scene, while the camera stood still,” said Ouaniche.