Hero miraculously saves toddler’s life after he falls off escalator

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 11, 2017Style
Hero miraculously saves toddler’s life after he falls off escalator

THIS is the shocking moment a man in Iran leapt into action after seeing a toddler lose his footing and fall off a shopping centre escalator.

It is not uncommon to see something unexpected while out and about at the shops – but this man was taken aback when he SAW this.

The man, dressed in a black and white baseball jacket, was walking past a flight of stairs while tucking into a packet of crisps.

But his shopping was put on hold when he saw something out of the corner of his eye. Bewildered, he looked up at the ceiling, slowing his pace.

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Suddenly, he retraced his steps and ran back, catching a very unlikely object in his arms.For, a child had fallen off the railings off a staircase above, and it was this falling child that prompted the man into action. Proving that heroes walk amongst us, the mystery man stepped in at the 12th hour and quickly grabbed the child, saving him from certain death. The man is sent flying to the ground, but the child is scooped up safely.

His incredible reaction was captured on CCTV last year in Shiraz, in Iran, before being shared on website Imgur.

And the amazing footage led to speculations that the mystery hero could be a Dad.One poster said: “Father senses were tingling.” One added: “Brilliant. Saw what could be a bad situation, tracked it, then acted. Learn from this man.”

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He quickly grabs the boy and catches him in his arms

While another said: “He dropped a bag of crisps to catch the kid … hero our world needs!”One poster added: “What a catch, what a marvellous catch.” But despite his courage, news team JYC in Iran told how the unnamed hero is just 14 years old.

The CCTV footage has been seen over 1 million times already.