High Schooler With Terminal Cancer Enters Hospice, Asks for Prayers Because She Needs a ‘Miracle’

Zachary Stieber
By Zachary Stieber
March 8, 2018US News
High Schooler With Terminal Cancer Enters Hospice, Asks for Prayers Because She Needs a ‘Miracle’
(Greenville County Schools/Facebook)

A high school student in South Carolina has asked the public to pray for her because she is entering a hospice this week.

Bella Muntean, a freshman at Riverside High School in Greenville, was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in January 2017.

According to the American Cancer Society, osteosarcoma is the most common type of cancer that starts in the bones.

“The cancer cells in these tumors look like early forms of bone cells that normally help make new bone tissue, but the bone tissue in an osteosarcoma is not as strong as that of normal bones,” the society stated.

“Most osteosarcomas occur in children and young adults. Teens are the most commonly affected age group, but osteosarcoma can develop at any age.”

Muntean said previously in a video from the high school that she was told she didn’t have a good chance of surviving cancer.

“They gave me a 20 percent chance to live at first and I was like ‘No, I refuse to believe that.’ I know that I can do this, and I will make it. I’ve come so far,” Bella said in the video.

She said in a post on Instagram this week that she started internally bleeding but she’s still going strong.

“This is NOT the end. I know that God has a plan for me, and that he does perform miracles. With every cell in my body, I believe that I will be healed and that a miracle will be performed for me. I will be living every second to the fullest, and I want to share that with you all,” she said in the post.

“What I need right now is prayer. Please ask everyone you know to pray for me and send good vibes. Please send this to everyone you can think of. I need a miracle, but I believe it is coming!”


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