Hundreds of protesters march in Hong Kong one day before election

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 25, 2017News

Hundreds of pro-democracy activists marched through the streets of Hong Kong on Saturday demanding universal suffrage.

It’s one day before a small electoral college chooses the city’s new Chief Executive.

The leader of the Civil Human Rights Front, Au Nok-hin, said that whichever candidate is chosen, it won’t be democracy.

Protesters are calling it a “small circle” election.

The vast majority of the city’s 7.3 million people have no say in their next leader.

The winner is to be chosen by a 1,200-person “election committee” stacked with pro-Beijing and pro-establishment loyalists.

Three candidates are running for the top post, two former officials, Carrie Lam and John Tsang, and a retired judge, Woo Kwok-hing.