Hundreds Protest in Sacramento, California on Thanksgiving Weekend

Ilene Eng
By Ilene Eng
December 1, 2020NTD Evening News

Hundreds flocked to Sacramento on Thanksgiving weekend to protest against the statewide lockdown and election fraud.

One mayor attended the protest in support of small business owners.

“Walmart, Costco, Target—they’re allowed to open, but if you own a small business or a small store, you’re closed down under this colored tier program the governor has. And it’s not fair. If you own a small business, you’re able to provide for yourself throughout the pandemic. When you get your business locked down you are not allowed to work, but yet the big box stores are. And they’re not social distancing and doing other things. That’s not what America is about. Everybody is equal,” said Atwater Mayor Paul Creighton.

“Before December 14, 2020, all the states will be certified for the election results. So we are calling to stop certification because of those lawlessness, election fraud with dead people vot[ing], extra vote … it tells me that we are corrupt. The government is corrupt,” said Ellen Lee Zhou, a 2019 San Francisco mayoral candidate.

California is among the several states that have found ballots with names of those who are deceased.

One Solano County resident supports neither President Trump nor the government. He was at the rally to raise awareness about government control.

“So many people get caught up in the conversation as to whether or not the mask is effective. Nobody is getting caught up in the conversation as to whether or not somebody else has the right to tell you to wear a mask. It’s not about the effectiveness. It’s about sovereignty. And where are we going to draw the line in the sand?” said Steven Milani.

There were people who registered as Republicans this year because they do not agree with many of the Democratic policies. Now they support President Trump.

“I hated Trump when he was elected. I think I was brainwashed from the media, and then I started watching our president unfiltered from the media and I realized he was very presidential, very compassionate towards the people, and just from there I decided that I couldn’t be a Democrat anymore and became a Republican,” said Tracy Cumming.

“This whole country was built on freedom. We fought for it. We are one of the few countries that have the liberty and the freedoms and the amendments that we have. And I feel that that’s slowly dying out and we have to fight for that. If anyone would have told me that that would be in jeopardy I would have never believed them. But the more years that go by, I feel the more people come up with more things that go against the country. So a lot of people that live here, I feel don’t appreciate it and actually hate the country,” said Tasha Bloom.

“I support the president because he gives us tax breaks, he loves this country and ultimately, I wish people would vote for the policies and not ultimately the person,” said Bloom.

Reporting by Ilene Eng and Nancy Han