Hunter College student who missed graduation due to subway delays finally receives diploma

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
June 10, 2017US News
Hunter College student who missed graduation due to subway delays finally receives diploma

A Hunter College student “graduated” once on the subway, and two more times after that.

Jerich Alcantara was on the way to his graduation ceremony when his subway suddenly stalled.

He had left early with his family and friends.

What was supposed to be a 45 minute ride stretched into two hours. At that point, he knew he had missed the ceremony.

So Alcantara, his family and friends held a makeshift ceremony on the spot, complete with a hand drawn certificate.

The whole subway car joined in on the celebration. Videos of the incident went viral online.

Once he got to the graduation venue, it was long over. But Alcantara’s close friends from school held a mini-ceremony anyway.

On June 8, Alcantara graduated for the third time–this time, officially.

Hunter College president Jennifer Raab and nursing school dean Gail McCain handed him his certificate.

“Today, Jerich, we give you what the MTA deprived you of: your chance to receive your diploma,” said Raab. “Congratulations.”

The event was held specially for him.

Alcantara was all smiles. It will be story he’ll tell for a long time to come.