IDF Says Hamas Has ‘No Regard for Human Life’ After Recovering Bodies of 5 Hostages From Gaza Tunnel System

Evelyn Li
By Evelyn Li
December 26, 2023NTD Good Morning

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers recently recovered the bodies of 5 Israeli hostages from the Hamas terrorist organization’s network of tunnels.

NTD spoke to Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, spokesman for the IDF, who said it was important to remember the reason the hostages had been in the tunnels in the first place—the Hamas terrorist attacks of Oct. 7.

“Our role is to bring home the hostages—every last one of them—and we will continue our operations,” he said.

Lt. Col. Lerner also said that Hamas is using civilians in safe zones as human shields to launch attacks. “We have seen Hamas send civilians forward while they are hiding behind them,” he said. “They have no regard for human life—Israeli or Palestinian.”