Indiana Attorney General Accused of Inappropriate Touching by 4 Women: Report

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
July 3, 2018US News
Indiana Attorney General Accused of Inappropriate Touching by 4 Women: Report
Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill was accused of acting sexually inappropriate toward multiple woman at a bar. He has denied the allegations. (Indiana Attorney General's Office)

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Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill was accused by four women of inappropriate touching. However, he denied the allegations and insisted he will not resign over these accusations.

According to IndyStar, the four accusers included a lawmaker and three legislative staffers. The alleged inappropriate touching was said to have happened during a party on the final night of the legislative session.

The details of the accusations were described in an eight-page memorandum obtained by IndyStar, which was reportedly prepared by the Taft Stettinius & Hollister Law Firm at the request of legislative leaders. According to the memo, Hill was intoxicated when the accused touching happened. The lawmaker and one legislative employee alleged Hill grabbed their buttocks in three occasions respectively. Another legislative employee said Hill put his arm around her waist and hugged her to him. A third legislative staffer alleged Hill rubbed her back for about two minutes, reported IndyStar.

None of the legislative staffers have been identified by name. Citing information from sources, IndyStar said they are employees of both the House and the Senate.

In a statement emailed to IndyStar, Hill denied the allegations, calling them “deeply troubling.” He said he had been invited to AJ’s Lounge for the legislative end of session party, but “at no time was my behavior inappropriate nor did I touch anyone in an inappropriate manner.” He also described the bar had been “very crowded” and “light and jovial, as would be expected in a bar.”

Hill, who is viewed as a rising Republican star, also said he will not resign. “Let me be clear, I am not resigning my position as Attorney General,” he said in a statement to IndyStar.

Legislative leaders told IndyStar they completed an investigation and “the matter has been addressed with the Attorney General to the satisfaction of the employees involved.” One accuser told the news outlet she was satisfied that the investigation was implemented and the women involved were treated fairly. She added that “this was a pattern of behavior that was witnessed by many,” but was disappointed that “nothing can be done to censure him formally.”

Indiana Democratic Party chairman John Zody called Hill to resign in a statement. The Indiana GOP chairman, Kyle Hupfer, said he is “continuing to learn about the details of the investigation into” the allegations, according to Fox News.


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