India’s Dependence on Chinese Drug Materials

Most pharmaceutical supply chains now trace back to China, with its near-monopoly on drug making. But one country is set on fixing the problem, and the United States is poised to benefit.

The U.N. high commissioner’s visit to China has come to a close. It drew criticism from human rights groups, who say the organization’s approach to the visit harmed U.N. credibility.

Taiwan readies itself for the worst-case scenario. Its military just conducted a round of annual drills involving the launch of various anti-air and anti-ship missiles.

Flood season in China has begun. Southern provinces are already reporting deaths amid torrential downpours, including those of school children.

We look at the key takeaways from Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s speech on China. Former diplomat David Stilwell breaks down the best ways to deal with Beijing.

Topics in this episode:
U.N. Commissioner Takes Criticism for China Trip
Taiwan Military Conducts Annual Missile Drills
Tracking Chinese Planes in Taiwan’s Sensitive Skies
Japan to ‘Drastically Strengthen’ Military Power
Drowning Deaths Amid Heavy Rains in Southern China
Keywords in Blinken’s Speech on China
Fmr Diplomat: Negotiation Strategies on China
Germany Denies VW China Investment Guarantees
Germany-China Relations Under Chancellor Scholz
Social Credit System to Launch in Europe

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