Iran Launches 6 Missiles Plus Drone Bombers Into Syria

Colin Fredericson
By Colin Fredericson
October 2, 2018World News

Iran launched missiles into Syria in the early hours of Oct. 1, aimed at ISIS targets.

One missile allegedly from the attack, was presented on state-run television showing the words “death to America,” “death to Israel,” and “death to Saudi Arabia,” according to ABC. Iran followed up the missile launches with drone bombers.

ISIS still holds territory in Syria’s Deir al-Zour province. U.S. and local forces are there working to uproot the last remnants of the terrorist group, according to The Washington Post.

At Iran’s Sept. 22 military parade in Ahvaz, at least 24 people were killed—including a 4-year-old boy—and over 60 wounded after gunman disguised as soldiers opened fire on the crowd and the officials that were present, the Post and ABC reported. Iran said the five perpetrators were locals.

ISIS and an Arab nationalist separatist group in Iran both claimed responsibility for the attack. Iran accuses Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates of supporting the separatists, according to the Post. The group wants autonomy from Iran’s Persian-majority population.

Both countries denied supporting the attackers, according to ABC News.

The U.S. military’s Central Command acknowledged “no-notice strikes” in the area, ABC reported. U.S. forces were not far from where the strikes hit, reported The Drive.

“Iranian forces did conduct no notice strikes last night and we see open source reports stating that they were targeting militants it blamed for the recent attack on an Iranian military parade in the Middle Euphrates River Valley,” said U.S. Army Col. Sean Ryan, in a statement obtained by CNN. “At this time, the Coalition is still assessing if any damage occurred and no Coalition forces were in danger.”

U.S. satellite surveillance showed the missile launchers being moved into position last week, CNN reported.

The launch comes after Iranian president Hassan Rouhani attended the UN General Assembly. According to Henry Rome of the Eurasia Group, Iran purposely waited until after the event to launch the missile strike because the Iranian president did “not want an Iranian retaliation to dominate conversations,” the Post reported.

A former leader of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard suggested via Twitter that the “main punishment is on the way,” reported ABC.

One of the missiles reportedly landed in Iran’s northwest near the launch site, according to Business Insider. It’s not clear whether it was a missile or a missile part. No one was killed, but a farm was destroyed.

A semi-official Iranian news agency broadcasted a computer animation of the incident, but explained it as a rocket booster landing harmlessly in a field, according to Business Insider.

Last month, Iran launched missiles into Iraq at an Iranian Kurdish separatist group. Last year, Iran fired missiles into Syria after ISIS terrorists attacked Iran’s capital, targeting parliament and a shrine for Iran’s former leader, ABC reported.

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