Israeli Defense Forces to complete ‘David’s Sling’ missile air defense system

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 20, 2017World News

A video shot by the Israeli Defence Forces and obtained by Reuters on Monday (March 20) showed a test interception by Israeli air defense interceptor, David’s Sling.

Israel’s multi-tier air defence anti-missile system will be fully operational early next month with the deployment of the David’s Sling interceptor, a senior Israeli air force officer said on Monday.

David’s Sling, designed to shoot down rockets fired from 100 to 200 kilometres away, will be the final piece of a shield that already includes short-range Iron Dome and long-range Arrow-2 and Arrow-3 missiles.

Israel used Iron Dome extensively to intercept rockets fired by Palestinian militants in the 2014 Gaza war, and the Arrow missiles were developed with an Iranian missile threat in mind.

David’s Sling, developed and manufactured jointly by Israel’s state-owned Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd and the U.S. Raytheon Co, would likely be used to intercept projectiles fired by the Iranian-backed Lebanese guerrilla group Hezbollah, which last fought a war with Israel in 2006.