Joint Statement by The Epoch Times and NTD Television

Joint Statement by The Epoch Times and NTD Television

For more than two decades, The Epoch Times and NTD Television have been at the forefront of exposing the Chinese communist regime’s human rights atrocities, virulent propaganda, and malevolent influence on the global stage.

As we continue with this critical mission, some news outlets have used reports of the alleged wrongdoing of our former CFO as an opportunity to paint The Epoch Times, as a whole, in a false light. Even more egregious, these reports have cast aspersions upon Falun Gong, the faith of our founding members.

One person’s alleged wrongdoing does not represent the entire staff or the whole organization, and in fact, the alleged actions run counter to our organization’s standards and culture, and the reality of our track record. Furthermore, such alleged actions run counter to the principles of Falun Gong and in no way reflect on the spiritual practice.

The logical fallacy currently being promoted by other news outlets is akin to attacking the entire Christian faith over an allegation of wrongdoing against one employee in a company founded by Christians, while at the same time condemning the company.

Some media outlets have gone so far as to seek out other entities started by Falun Gong practitioners, such as Shen Yun Performing Arts—an independent performing arts company—and construct false connections to this story.

The Epoch Times and NTD Television were independently founded by a few Falun Gong practitioners in the early 2000s in response to brutal human rights abuses taking place in China.

Falun Gong is an ancient spiritual discipline that focuses on the core tenets of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance, and those who practice have been severely persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) since 1999. The regime has employed over ten thousand of its media across China to relentlessly vilify them.

When The Epoch Times and NTD Television were founded, we were sponsored through donations by Falun Gong practitioners themselves. For more than two decades, we have virtually stood alone in our efforts to expose the Chinese regime, its human rights violations, and its efforts to infiltrate and subvert nations around the world. And yet, we have done so without financial support from any government or corporation. Instead, we are now supported through our subscribers.

Many of our key staff are originally from China and have decades of first-hand knowledge of the CCP’s malevolence and inner workings. It is a cornerstone of our editorial mission to expose this to the world, despite the CCP’s global influence. For example, in 2006, our media first exposed that the CCP was killing prisoners of conscience, primarily Falun Gong practitioners, to harvest their organs to build a massive state-run organ transplant industry. Most other Western media organizations have failed to report on this.

The plain truth is that the CCP only fears The Epoch Times and NTD Television among all media worldwide.

Our founders came to the United States to escape persecution, and they deeply cherished what America stands for. We have always celebrated American values while sounding the alarm about the CCP’s continuous efforts to undermine America.

We remain committed to providing our audiences with truthful reporting that adheres to the highest standards of ethical journalism, and we remain committed to exposing the CCP and its persecution campaigns around the world—including in the United States—at this critical juncture in history.

We are grateful to all of our readers and supporters, and we do not take the trust you have put in us lightly. You are the reason we strive every day to bring truth and hope to a chaotic world, and we know we owe our success to every single one of you.