Every boy’s dream come true

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 7, 2017Style
Every boy’s dream come true

What do little boys love to play with the most? And I am asking about real toys – not computer games that became very popular not long ago. There will be differences between children and a variety of preferences, but one thing is common to almost all boys – they love mechanical vehicles! Little or big, toys or real and functional, sport cars or trucks – doesn’t matter as long as it has 4 wheels and can ride from place to place.

Of course with the passing of time and growing up the boy will want the automobile to be closer to a real one. But no boy can really attain the dream of driving a real vehicle, not least because of the age and lack of driving licence. Surprisingly this wasn’t the case for Jordan, who got a mini-truck – a fully functional small version of a real truck. The feeling this boy has while driving the dream of all his peers is clearly written on his face.

Take a look at this construction masterpiece and his happy owner: