Kevin Jessip Speech at DC Rally: ‘A Call to Arms in the Spiritual Realm’

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
December 14, 2020NTD Evening News

Kevin Jessip, President of the Global Strategic Alliance, spoke at the rally in Washington, D.C. on Dec. 12:

“Praise the name of the Lord, can you say hallelujah? This is not a day of damnation, this is a day of salvation. Hallelujah. God is alive and well, he’s still on the throne. In Isaiah, he says I’m gonna rise for the sake of my own name, and he’s about to do a sovereign work across this nation. Hallelujah.”

“Jewish history, 12/12/2020, this very day on our calendar, is the second day of Hanukkah, the miracle that happened in 139 BCE, on the 25th of Kislev in the year 3622, from creation, the Maccabees liberated the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Hallelujah.”

“Some have said this is not a Christian nation. I’m telling you, this is a Judeo-Christian nation. Christianity was born out of the womb of Judaism and America has a spiritual umbilical cord tied to Israel that will never be severed! Praise God! This is a day of Maccabee. This is when we take the victory. Today, I call this: the warrior mandate, a battle cry, a call to arms in the spiritual realm.”

“Welcome to what we would term is a battle cry. It’s an end-time mobilization of God’s men made holy by the blood of Jesus Christ, and empowered by the gift of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This battle cry is a Christian call to all Christian men, to be fully obedient to walk a walk worthy of the calling. It is a first, a call to pick up our cross through repentance and prayer. As we prepare for a strategic gathering of men in this hour, to dispel the kingdom of darkness.”

“First from our souls, then our homes, our churches, and most importantly, our communities, to repel and cast off the onslaught of wickedness, invading our businesses, our cities, our government, to establish as one man, the kingdom of God, mandate within our spheres of influence. It is on earth as it is to heaven decree which burns in our heart, the mass awakening of the call of God to men, his sons appointed to be his image-bearers will be the catalyst for an end-time harvest of souls to the nations, until the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and Jesus, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Hallelujah.”

“We are the prophets, priests, kings of ancient times, the apostles of our Lord and of his kingdom. We are the echo of eternal truths spoken through the ages.”